REDONDO CANYON (at night)- 2/11/04
All pictures © 2025 by Ken Kurtis
Click on the thumbnail picture for a larger, full-screen version

Camera info for those who care:
Nikon N90s in an Ikelite housing, Fuji Sensia 100, 50-105 zoom macro lens, manual camera settings, and dual strobes set to TTL

Globe crab.jpg (108275 bytes) Hornyhead turbot.jpg (204267 bytes) Hornyhead turbot (CU).jpg (137774 bytes) Longspine combfish.jpg (166644 bytes)
Globe crab Hornyhead turbot Same guy, close-up Longspine combfish,
rarely seen in SoCal waters
Mating Slender crabs (1).jpg (118658 bytes) Mating Slender crabs (2).jpg (140034 bytes) Mating Slender crabs (3).jpg (134788 bytes) Mating Slender crabs (4).jpg (138302 bytes)
What's going on here??? Well, it was almost
Valentine's Day
Mating Slender crabs You're mine, all mine!!!
Bay pipefish hidden in eggs.jpg (108797 bytes) Bay pipefish (CU).jpg (105965 bytes) Scorpionfish & squid eggs.jpg (139588 bytes) Red rock crab with eggs.jpg (125597 bytes)
Bay pipefish hiding in squid eggs Bay pipefish, close-up Scorpionfish nestled
next to squid egg patch
Red rock crab (note egg cluster
under body & between claws)
Blackspotted shrimp.jpg (132155 bytes) Lizardfish juvy (1).jpg (197591 bytes) Lizardfish juvy (2) buried.jpg (173490 bytes) Juvy ocean whitefish (tilefish).jpg (162125 bytes)
Blackspotted shrimp,
normally found in deeper waters
Juvy California Lizardfish Same guy two seconds later,
buried and waiting to strike
Juvy ocean whitefish (tilefish),
frequently buried during the day

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