ROATAN -  MAY 18-25, 2024
All pictures © 2024 by Ken Kurtis
For those interested . . . 
on D750 in MANUAL mode, ISO 1600, shutter 1/200th, various f-stops
Nikon lenses: Mainly 28-105mm zoom (macro from 50-105mm), and 105mm macro

Click here to read the written trip report

View the full 100-ish-image slide show on SmugMug.
Images can be viewed individually or by clicking "SLIDESHOW" on the SmugMug page:

Roatan 2024 - SmugMug pix & slideshow

And check our our two videos on YouTube:

Snorkeling with Wild Dolphins (shot by John Carter)

An Octopus on the Hunt

THE CAMP      

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